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7 ways to make the most of your health benefits

We all know that health insurance is a significant monthly expense. But it’s worth the cost, as it enables access to the care you need and reduces your risk of medical debt.

Here’s how to make sure you get the most for your money this year.

1. Don’t skip preventive care. You may have access to an annual physical, vaccines and screenings at no cost before meeting your deductible. Preventive care can keep potentially serious health problems at bay.

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Does Commercial Insurance Cover Business Interruption?

Commercial insurance policies are a must for any business owner in the in West Bloomfield, MI area. Phil Klein Insurance Group is more than happy to provide them. However, there are a wide range of frequently asked questions when it comes to policies of this nature.

One of these questions is usually centered around the concept of remaining protected during a business interruption. Any business owner who is adept at reading the tea leaves knows that there are bound to be interruptions along the way.

If you have already purchased commercial property insurance, you will have the coverage that you need. Making sure that this insurance covers any potential interruptions in full is the next step. Each business is going to have its own separate requirements and policies must be tailored to them.

Some businesses may be able to weather an interruption in service more easily than others can. The amount of coverage that is going to be needed will depend on a few different factors. What level of profit loss is going to take place? What about mortgage and rent payments?

Utilities, taxes and payroll obligations must also be considered when these policies are being purchased. Physical damages that take place are also covered with these policies and Michigan business owners would do well to remember that.

Keeping a business protected is about more than buying a simple commercial insurance policy. While these policies cover business interruption, a business must make sure that they are able to cover any losses that take place….or risk long term consequences.

Business interruptions are never a good thing. That is why business owners in West Bloomfield, MI must schedule a consultation meeting with the good folks at Phil Klein Insurance Group as soon as possible. We have all the answers that you need.

Why You Need Home Insurance

Your home is likely your most valued asset. Even if you are renting, all your valuables are stored within your residence. Still, you may wonder why you actually need a Home insurance policy. Here are a few reasons why you need a home insurance policy.

Lenders Require Home Insurance

If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender will probably require you to have home insurance. This is to protect their investment as well as yours. Phil Klein Insurance Group can help homeowners in West Bloomfield, Michigan determine the homeowner’s coverage that is required by their lender.

Financial Protection

Homes can become damaged due to a myriad of things, from natural disasters to leaky roofs. These damages may well exceed what you can cover out of pocket, even if your home isn’t a total loss. Without homeowners insurance, you would be faced with getting a loan to repair or replace your home. Then there’s the cost of replacing your things, which most loans won’t cover.

Your Possessions are Valuable

If you are renting, you may not see a need for home insurance. However, your possessions are valuable too. Even if your home doesn’t contain priceless valuables, it would require a good deal of money to replace your possessions. Most of us accumulate possessions throughout our lives and don’t really consider how expensive it would be to purchase everything we need for our home at one time.

Protection From Liability

In many cases, if someone is hurt or injured on your property, they can hold you responsible for their medical bills. In some cases, you may be responsible for lost wages or damages as well. Homeowners insurance can protect you from these risks, and pay associated costs in the case of an incident.

Phil Klein Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency in West Bloomfield, MI. This allows us to find the right home policy for your needs.


How To Know When You’re Ready to Retire

Many workers look forward to retirement and the new changes and opportunities it brings; but, some might struggle to determine when they are ready to retire. There’s no exact science or magic number to determine the right time to retire. Instead, attention to retirement savings and creating a plan for what to do during retirement may help you better understand when you are both financially and emotionally ready for retirement.

Financial Retirement Readiness
According to a 2018 study of over 2,000 working Americans ages 40-70, about one-fifth of respondents were financially unprepared for retirement.(1)  While many retirees rely on Social Security benefits to help fill savings gaps, currently, Social Security benefits only cover approximately 40 percent of an average worker’s pre-retirement income.(2)  In addition to personal savings and Social Security benefits, other sources to supplement retirement income include individual retirement arrangements (IRAs), employer-sponsored retirement plans (401(k) plans, pensions, profit sharing plans, etc.) and fixed indexed annuities.

Everyone has different financial needs in retirement. When considering whether you are ready to retire, evaluate your financial strength to see if you are in a position to stop working. A retirement calculator can help you establish a retirement savings goal by comparing your income and current savings with your age and anticipated expenses. Various retirement calculators are available online, free of charge.

An additional way to help gauge financial readiness is to examine how retirement costs will affect your nest egg. Some retirement costs to consider may include:

*Extra expenses, such as traveling
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, older households typically spend an average of $49,279 a year on living expenses, including food, housing, clothing, transportation, healthcare and entertainment.(3)  Having a plan in place for how to pay for expenses may help you feel more confident in your decision to retire.

Emotional Retirement Readiness
While meeting financial goals is an important part of retirement planning, an often forgotten aspect is emotional readiness. For many, working provides a sense of validation, in addition to other psychological benefits, such as a daily structure and social interaction. Because of that, retiring may present a sense of loss for some and be a risk for depression.(4)  Retirement is a major change, with emotional implications, that shouldn’t be done on a whim. Consider creating a list of your goals for retirement. Do you want to travel? Spend more time with your grandkids? Start a new hobby? Work part time? Move to a new city? After you’ve established your goals, create a plan to achieve those goals.

Here are some other ways to better prepare for the emotional side of retiring:

*Create a plan for how you will spend your days in retirement
*Establish a retirement bucket list
*Find or create an emotional support system of friends and family
*Pursue a new hobby or consider a part-time job as a bridge from working to full retirement(4)
Deciding when to retire can be a complex decision with many factors contributing to retirement readiness. Ultimately, the only person who truly knows when you are ready to retire is you. Paying attention to both financial and emotional milestones and defining retirement goals can all help you in making the decision to retire.

If you need professional guidance or have questions, please call us today at (248) 682-7445 or email

Footnote 1 Indexed Annuity Leadership Council, “The State of America’s Workforce: The Reality of Retirement Readiness” 2018↩
Footnote 2 Social Security Administration, “Learn About Social Security Programs” ↩
Footnote 3 Bureau of Labor and Statistics, “A Closer Look at Spending Patterns of Older Americans” 2016↩
Footnote 4 US News and World Report, “Can Retirement Be a Depression Risk?” 2017

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Damage From a Car Hitting the Building?

So many things can happen to cause a financial loss when you are a business owner. Commercial insurance is designed to help protect the business from loss as a result of a variety of events. Having the right type of insurance and the right coverage amount can prevent those losses and allow you to rest easy knowing that the coverage is in place when you need it. So what happens if there is an event such as a car hitting your building?

Damage to a Structure

Anything can happen at any time when you own a business. Having solid insurance is a way to protect that business from possible devastation. For example, when a car runs into a business and causes damage, the commercial insurance will generally cover the cost of repairs and injury as a result of that accident. Not all insurance policies provide the same amount of coverage, so know what your policy will allow and make any adjustments you deem necessary to protect you and your company.

Insurance Protection for Your Business

One of the most important ways you can protect your company is by selecting and purchasing the right commercial insurance. Always consider the risks you face based on location and other factors. A good insurance company will have agents that can help you figure out the type of coverage you need to prevent losses. If you have a business in or around the West Bloomfield, MI area, you should consult Phil Klein Insurance Group to find out how to adequately protect your investment.

Don’t take chances on your commercial insurance coverage. Call or stop by Phil Klein Insurance Group serving the businesses of West Bloomfield, MI and the surrounding area. Get the coverage you need to have peace of mind. 

Life insurance coverage options

Life can be unpredictable and you never know with certainty what the future holds. With a bright future ahead of you and great plans for your family, the tides can turn upside down with a twinkle of an eye. So, what happens to your loved ones once you’re no more? Life insurance ensures that your beneficiaries continue to live a meaningful life even after you’re no more. With lost income, buying food, paying bills, and footing college fees can be a daunting task for your loved ones, and that’s why life insurance from Phil Klein Insurance Group comes in.

There are several life insurance coverage options to consider in West Bloomfield, MI. Some policies are packaged like an investment plan while others are tailored to provide a lump sum payment upon the demise of the policyholder. Here are the common coverage options to consider:

Term Life Insurance. Everyone immediately thinks of term life insurance whenever life insurance is mentioned. This coverage is often affordable but is also limited in terms of the duration of coverage. It doesn’t accumulate any cash value in the entire duration of coverage but only offers pure death protection.

Whole Life Insurance. This policy lasts the entire lifespan of the policyholder. It has no term limit and covers the insured as long as the premiums are paid. It comes with a cash value benefits and a death benefit as well.

Universal Life Insurance. For those seeking more flexibility, Universal life coverage provides both components of cash value benefits and death benefits. The only difference is that the policyholder gets to choose the coverage limits that go towards each component.

At Phil Klein Insurance Group in West Bloomfield, MI, we offer several other options to consider including Variable Life and Variable Universal Life Coverages. Each policy comes with unique benefits that suit the specific needs of the insured. For more information about our life insurance coverage options, visit our website or give us a call today.



Ready for your life insurance health exam?

When you’re applying for an individual life insurance policy, you’ll usually need to complete a simple medical exam administered by a paramedical professional.  However, at PKIG we can offer up to $1 million in coverage without a medical exam in many cases.  If you do need to complete the exam, follow these steps to prepare for your exam so you can minimize your chances of inaccurate test results and set yourself up to receive a fair rate on your policy.

When to Eat

Read and follow your pre-exam directions.  If you’re supposed to fast for eight to 10 hours, make sure you do.  Fasting properly means you won’t get a false positive on blood glucose tests for diabetes or artificially high cholesterol levels because of something you ate.  Don’t even drink black coffee the morning of, as caffeine can increase your blood pressure.

Tip: If you accidentally eat something before your test, ask the examiner if you need to reschedule.

What to Eat

You may also want to pay attention to what you eat and drink for at least 24 hours beforehand.  Avoid alcohol, skip salty foods and drink plenty of water. Consuming too much alcohol, too much sodium or not enough water can throw off test results for liver and kidney function as well as urine concentration.  It’s also easier to give blood when you’re well-hydrated.

Exercise Considerations

Finally, avoid tough workouts in the 12 to 24 hours before your exam, as heavy exercise can lead to urinalysis results that may suggest kidney problems and high blood pressure. But a light workout, like a walk, may be a good idea to help you get a good night’s sleep.  And, being properly rested can possibly improve your test results by decreasing anxiety and lowering blood pressure.

Thinking over your life insurance options? Reach out if you have any questions.  248-682-7445 or

Extended Family Moving in With You? Does Home Insurance Cover Their Property?

It is becoming more and more common for many members of the same family to live under one roof. Children are living with their parents longer than they ever have before, or are coming back after leaving the nest. And the elderly are starting to live with their children or other members of their family, such as nieces and nephews. You likely know that your home insurance policies cover your personal property in the event of a fire or against theft. Here at Phil Klein Insurance Group, serving the greater West Bloomingfield, MI area, we have noticed that people are asking whether their extended family’s property is covered as well. Here is the answer to that question. 

Every home insurance policy is different. As such, the wording from one policy may vary from that of another policy. However, as a general rule of thumb, if the people moving in with you are actually relatives and related to you, their property is typically covered under your home insurance policy. But, you will want to carefully review your policy and the wording to ensure their property is covered. You should never assume it is. If it is not covered, you may be able to add them to your policy or they may be able to purchase a renters policy to cover their belongings. 

If you have extended family moving in with you, now is the perfect time to review your home insurance policy. If your policy no longer fits your needs, contact Phil Klein Insurance Group, serving the greater West Bloomingfield, MI area today. We can help you find the right policy for your needs. 

Am I too young for life insurance?

Life insurance is generally regarded as something that you don’t really worry about until your retirement age. There is some truth to that, but the fact is that it has nothing to do with your biological age. Rather, retirement is usually the age people are at when they have something worth protecting with life insurance, and the means to invest in a good policy. We are not trying to say that the people in West Bloomfield, MI should wait to call Phil Klein Insurance Group for life insurance, and it should have nothing to do with how many gray hairs you have on your head, but more to do with who you’re trying to support when you are gone.

If you have dependents, a wife, children, or family members that you look after, then life insurance will ensure that they are taken care of should something happen to you. That’s all life insurance is about. It has nothing to do with physical age.

This applies to many people who are fairly young. If you already have a family in your twenties and you want to make sure that they are provided for, life insurance can help. In fact, it may be wiser to invest while your children are young. When they’re able to get jobs of their own, they might not need the support. Life insurance can also help to cover funeral expenses and education. So, keep all these factors in mind.

It is up to you to take the responsibility of researching and reaching out to a trusted agency like Phil Klein Insurance Group. Life insurance can protect you from unforeseen financial troubles in the future. Contact our agency to speak with a representative and to get a quote.

How To Avoid Six Situations That Can Destroy A Business

•Have you ever had your company value appraised by an outside resource?
•Has that appraisal been done within the last three years?
•Do you have a Buy/Sell agreement? •Is it funded?
•Has it been reviewed within the last three years?
•Do you know where your Buy/Sell agreement is kept?

•Do you have a will? •A trust?
•Is it up to date?
•Do you have a plan to retain key employees if something happens to?
•Has your Trust & Estate Plan been reviewed in the last three years?
•Have you identified and written down your trusted advisors?

•Do you have a succession plan in place?
•Have you involved both key employees and family members in your succession planning?
•Does your succession plan have a provision for disability?
•Have you identified or written down who you want to run the company?
•Do you have disability buy-sell overhead expense coverage?

•Do you know when you want to retire? •How much income will you need?
•Do you want to be running the company full-time, five years from today?
•Do you know how much control in the business you must maintain in order to secure your retirement income?
•Have you explored financing opportunities for key employees to buy the company in the future?

•Do you have a retirement vehicle other than your business?
•Is 25% or less of your business assets a part of your retirement plan?
•Will your retirement funding come from more than four sources?
•Have you had your retirement income projected/analyzed to identify shortfalls?
•In the past year, have you spent more than one hour planning for retirement?

•Do you have a TEAM of financial advisors working with you?
•Are you proactively planning to deal with changes in the tax laws?
•Will any sources of your retirement income be received tax free?

Questions? Concerns? Call Owen Rosen at (248) 682-7445 today or email

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