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Should You and Your Spouse Have the Same Amount of Life Insurance?

If you have recently gotten married or had a baby, you may be looking into purchasing life insurance for both yourself and your spouse or partner. One of the questions that we at Phil Klein Insurance Group are often asked about life insurance in the greater West Bloomfield, MI area, is whether spouses should have the same amount of life insurance coverage. In most cases, they need different amounts. Here are a few of the factors that are looked at when determining how much life insurance each spouse needs. 

How Much Each Spouse Makes

One of the factors that determine how much life insurance each person should acquire is by determining how much they earn. If you make more than your spouse, you will need more in life insurance than your spouse does. This helps to make up for your lost income should you pass away. 

The Amount Of Debt for Each Spouse

In addition to your current salary, you should also look at how much debt each person has. If you have student loans or other types of debt, you need more life insurance. This allows your spouse or partner to pay down the debt without the burden of having to cover your debts themselves. 

What Household Chores Each Spouse Performs

The last factor that should be considered is what household chores each spouse performs. If these chores would be a burden for your partner, you want to have enough life insurance to cover the cost of hiring someone. For example, you may watch your kids while your wife works. If you were to pass away, she would need to hire childcare. Likewise, you may do all of the yard work and car maintenance. If you were to pass away, she may need to hire someone to complete these tasks, which should be accounted for in the amount of life insurance you have. 

If you are looking to purchase a new life insurance policy for you and your spouse or partner in the greater West Bloomfield, MI area, turn to Phil Klein Insurance Group. Call us now to have your questions answered and to get a quote on your insurance policy.

3 Common Questions about Commercial Insurance

Whether you have just opened, inherited, or realized that your business is growing, one of the most important things you can do to protect your livelihood is to have commercial insurance in West Bloomfield, MI. Commercial insurance covers an array of situations and scenarios, some of which you may not have even thought about. From freak storms of nature to theft and employee safety, commercial insurance is a must-have if you own a business. Read on to discover three common questions people ask when looking for a commercial insurance policy for their West Bloomfield, MI business.  

How Do I Select the Right Coverage Amount?

That depends on the size of your business, as well as what you feel comfortable paying as a deductible or premium. Essentially, you want to cover what your business is worth and then some. A reputable insurance agent at Phil Klein Insurance Group can help you make this decision.

What Kind of Coverage is Needed?

You will want to make sure every part of your business is covered. For example, if your business sees customers coming in and out of your store, you’ll want to make sure you’re covered just in case of a slip and fall or some other kind of accident that results in a lawsuit. Depending on the type of business you run, policies and coverage will vary.  

How Do I Choose the Right Deductible?

To choose the right deductible, you will need to consider whether you want to pay a higher premium or a higher deductible. If you feel more comfortable paying a larger premium on your monthly or quarterly insurance bill, then you might be able to have a smaller deductible.  

To learn more about the commercial insurance coverage for your business, contact the friendly agents at Phil Klein Insurance Group in West Bloomfield, MI today.  

Why Now is a Great Time to Repair Your Roof

As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your home and the structures on your property. Part of this includes making needed repairs to your roof. At Phil Klein Insurance Group, serving the greater West Bloomfield, MI area, we try to remind homeowners that a home insurance claim can be denied if you fail to maintain the premises and the claim is a result of this negligence. If your roof is in need of repair, the end of summer and fall months are a great time to make these repairs. Here is why:

The Weather is Optimal for Repairs

The biggest benefit to having roof repairs done in late summer and early fall is that the weather is optimal for repairs. Making repairs in wet conditions or freezing temperatures is not ideal. Having the repairs done now helps to keep the roofer safe and ensures the repairs are not negatively affected by inclement weather. The heat will also be less apparent since it is not directly taking place in the mid-summer months.

Prepares Your Home for the Wet Season

The other benefit to having repairs done to your roof now is that it prepares your home for the wet season. If you fail to have repairs done before the wet and rainy season hits, your roof may leak. Minor cracks can quickly turn into major leaks when left unrepaired. Repairing the damage now helps to prevent it from worsening, allowing you to prepare your roof and home for the rain and snow that will hit during the winter months. 

Maintenance is important to your home insurance policy. If you are in the market for a new home insurance policy in the greater West Bloomfield, MI area, call Phil Klein Insurance Group. We would love to answer your questions and help you find a policy that fits your needs.

You’re a New Parent: What to Know About Life Insurance

As a new parent, you have many responsibilities to handle. In fact, you probably have too many responsibilities. One of the most important things that all new parents should think about is securing life insurance for their newly born child.

Understanding how life insurance works and why you should get it as soon as your baby is born is essential. Here’s what you need to know:

  • First, understand term life insurance. A fixed rate is provided for term life insurance. This plan is generally for 10, 20, or 30 years. When a policy expires, you need to renew it again. Younger families will benefit from these types of insurance plans.
  • There are also whole life insurance plans. These are permanent and cover you for as long as you live. Experts agree that younger families should avoid these types of coverage because they tend to be more expensive.
  • Getting life insurance for your child when they are young is an excellent idea because they are at their healthiest and the youngest they can be. They can start with a low rate from the get-go.
  • Keep in mind that as parents, you need to be insured just like your child. This will give them financial stability should anything happen to either of you.

Contact Phil Klein Insurance Group for More Information

If you are a new parent in West Bloomfield, MI and are interested in learning more about life insurance options for your child or children, contact Phil Klein Insurance Group at your earliest convenience. We are proud to serve the residents of West Bloomfield, MI, and one of our agents would be happy to speak with you about your available life insurance options.

We can discuss options for your children as well as for you and your spouse. Visit our nearest location or give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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